Child's Name:
1st Emergency Contact (Parent or Legal Guardian):
2st Emergency Contact (Parent or Legal Guardian):
Child's Physician:
1. Are there any health problems including physical, psychiatric, or behavioral problems of which we need to be aware?NO
Yes Explain
2. Are there any health problems including physical, psychiatric, or behavioral problems of which we need to be awareAre there any medications, dietary restrictions, allergies, or special needs that we need to be aware of to ensure that your child's camp experience is positive?NO
For campers who reside within the United States. a United States territory, or the District of Columbia:
1.State/territorty in which child resides:
2.Is this child exempt from any Immunizations?
NOYES, List them
For campers who reside outside the United States, a United States territory, or the District of Columbia:
1.Country in which child resides:
2. Attach Department form DHMH-896 (record of vaccination or immunity)
Parent or Legal Guardian's Signature: