ASKA Code of Conduct


Karate Academy is committed to providing a safe, fun and learning environment by promoting respect, responsibility, discipline and excellence. As we all know accidents and mistakes are prone to happen students will be guided to handle situations in a peaceful way. To ensure reaching these goals ASKA have set rules for students to follow. Students that react in disrespectful or violent manner will first be given verbal warnings. However, repeat Insubordination of the rules will result in the following:

1st Offense will result in a phone call to parent. No participation in group afternoon activities. Required to complete writing disciplinary assignment

2nd Offense will result in a phone call to parent for early dismissal. No participation in Friday activity or Parent’s Night Out

3rd Offense will result in early dismissal and parent conference or 1 day suspension from ASKA.

Final Offense will result in parent conference and 2 days of suspension from ASKA.

Please sign to indicate you and your student(s) have read and understand the ASKA Code of Conduct

